Composer Librettist Development Program

Application Questions

 For your convenience, we have listed the application questions below so that you may prepare your materials in advance.

Applications will be accepted between March 27 and April 29, 2024.

CLDP Overview | FAQs


Primary Information

  1. Full Name  

  2. Address 

  3. City

  4. State 

  5. Zip Code 

  6. Primary Phone Number 

  7. Secondary Phone Number 

  8. Are you an American citizen? 

  9. If you are not an American citizen, what is your status in the United States? If you have a visa, please provide your visa type and its expiration date. 

  10. Date of Birth 

  11. Race 

  12. Gender

Please note, we request information about your age, race and gender to track the demographics of who is applying for the CLDP. This information is not shared with the panelists reviewing your application.

Artist Information

  1. How did you hear about the CLDP?

  2. Do you have any personal or professional commitments that would prevent you from fully participating in the CLDP between September 2024 and June 2025? Please note that artists accepted into the program are required to sign an agreement committing their full participation, and that any releases from CLDP activities are subject to the approval of the Program director. We understand that some absences may be required, but full disclosure of known conflicts in advance are required. Please do not apply to the CLDP if you have significant conflicts that would prevent your full participation. 

  3. Please list any conflict that you cannot reschedule that could impact your ability to fully participate in the CLDP. 

Interview Questions

Please Note: There is a 1,500-character limit for each of these questions. You may want to prepare your answers in a word processing program first and use the word count tool to ensure that your answers fit within the required character limit. Please do not pitch your ideas for a specific opera when responding to these questions.


  1. Why are you interested in writing opera? 

  2. What do you think your weaknesses are as a composer or librettist? How would you like the CLDP to address those issues? 

  3. What do you think makes a strong collaborative relationship? Please tell us about previous collaborations you have had that have been particularly rewarding or particularly challenging, and how did your approach to the collaboration affect the outcome? 


  1. Why are you drawn to the field of opera dramaturgy? What do you feel you can contribute?

  2. What is your understanding of the dramaturg’s role in opera, especially as concerns the creation of new operas? Why are dramaturgs important to the process?

  3. What do you feel are the skill sets, areas of knowledge and personal qualities required to be a good opera dramaturg? Which are strengths of yours and which do you hope to develop at ALT?

  4. Choose one opera you know and discuss its dramaturgical strengths and/or weaknesses.


American Lyric Theater requires two references from all applicants to the Composer Librettist Development Program. Your application will not be reviewed if we have not received both references by May 15, 2024. 

Work Samples

Your work samples are a vital part of the application. The online system only accepts PDFs and MP3 files. You must submit your written samples as PDFs, and your audio samples as MP3s.

All applicants must upload the following:

  1. A PDF of your CV or RESUME including detail of their academic study and professional experience. (Please Title: LASTNAME RESUME)

  2. COMPOSERS: In MP3 format, three (3) contrasting compositions or excerpts from compositions that, combined, total no more than 30 minutes. At least one (1) piece must include writing for solo voice, and one (1) piece must demonstrate your orchestration skill. If longer samples are submitted, we will only listen to a short excerpt from the beginning of each sample unless specific instructions are included as to where in each sample we should begin. You must also upload a separate PDF file of the score for each of your three MP3s. As may be necessary for clarity, please indicate where in your scores your recorded excerpts begin, and/or where you wish us to begin listening (both page numbers in the score and timing in the MP3s).

  3. LIBRETTISTS: In PDF format, please submit two (2) contrasting works. Works need not be opera libretti but should ideally reflect your dramatic writing skills. Each work sample should be between 10 and 25 pages. If longer samples are submitted, please indicate the specific page range you wish the panel to review.

  4. DRAMATURGS: Three of the following items (each as a separate PDF), at least one of which must be directly related to opera rather than theater:

    • An academic paper that you have written on any opera

    • An academic paper that you have written on any theatrical subject

    • Program notes that you have written for any opera (you may also prepare program notes for an opera of your choice for our review)

    • Program notes that you have written for any play (you may also prepare program notes for a play of your choice for our review)

    • A critical review that you have written of any opera performance (this can be a published review, or you may review a recently attended opera performance for this application)

    • Programs of operatic or musical or theatrical events that you have personally curated

Please delete or obscure your name from your scores and written work samples so that they can be reviewed blindly.

If you are applying as both a composer and librettist, you must submit the work samples required for both composers and librettists.