Working for the Macbeths


Commissioned by American Lyric Theater


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Available for Production


Chamber Orchestra of 10 Musicians
Clarinet/Bass Clarinet, Bassoon, Trumpet in B-flat, Trombone, Percussion, Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola, Cello, Double Bass




8 Singers and 1 Non-Singing Actor

Lady Macbeth (Dramatic Soprano)

Florinda (Mezzo-soprano)

Macbeth (Baritone)

Macduff (Tenor)

Madam Alice Tairik (Coloratura Soprano)

Witch 1 (Soprano)

Witch 2/Prince Malcolm (Mezzo-soprano)

Witch 3/Banquo (Bass Baritone)

Non-singing actor: King Duncan, Soldiers in final scene.


Full Length (85 Minutes)


Shakespeare meets Monty Python in Working for the Macbeths, a riotous look behind the tragedy we think we all know. After three witches prophesize the downfall of Macbeth, Florinda - Lady Macbeth’s Lady-in-Waiting - is determined to fight fate and give the Macbeths the happy ending they deserve. Can destiny be changed, or is the play doomed to repeat itself?

Artists’ Statements

Johanny Navarro, Composer

Working for the Macbeths unfolds as a delightful comic opera, where the interplay of melody, harmony, and rhythm intricately crafts a vibrant musical tapestry resonating with joy and humor. The varied music textures and orchestration seamlessly integrate as vital comedic elements, infusing the production with an overall exuberance. Our adaptation of "Macbeth" breathes life into tragedy with a seamless blend of humor, defying conventions, celebrating diversity, and inspiring positive change.

Marcus Yi, Librettist

Working for the Macbeths breathes fresh life into the timeless themes of ambition, power, and the consequences of one's actions. In a world marked by divisive politics where the quest for power remains as pertinent as ever, this comedic opera offers a vibrant and relatable perspective. It approaches these enduring themes with humor and satire, inviting audiences to explore the comical absurdities of power dynamics. We wanted to write an opera that we would want to go see – something funny, entertaining and that fills you with a sense of joy.



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